Sunday, January 25, 2009


January 25, 2009
Have you ever become overcome by the desire to do it all. I am overwhelmed by the cool things I want to do. Organic farming classes..sign me up. New youth garden entepreneurial project..let’s do it. Stained glass class…I’d love to. Those are just the ideas that I have put in motion in the past 2 weeks…What about my goals for 2009 which was just kicked off 4 weeks ago..Become more self-reliant..quit buying crap from China..quit eating sugar…quit eating high fructose corn syrup…make more meals at home. What about the other specific things I want to do..handmake more of Etta’s toys…knit my own bras…finish at least one quilt project…make Etta some training pants. How in the world am I to accomplish this as well as the daily grind!?

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